Earn money from YouTube. We all use YouTube. But we do not know that you can earn money from YouTube. There are many YouTubers who can earn from 1000$ to 5000$ per month. Details about this will be discussed here.
Earn Money From YouTube
Earn money from YouTube, Creates YouTube channels. By uploading some videos. You can also earn. It doesn’t need much. This is possible only if there is a mobile. How to create channels. How to upload videos. What is needed to get monetization. Learn everything in this course.
How many steps to earn from YouTube.

A popular saying nowadays. How to earn from YouTube. But many other do not know how to earn. To make your income, you must need a YouTube channel. Need to upload some videos. Monetization will be available If you fill in some videos regularly. Like TV channels There are many type of YouTube channels.
Such as:
News Channel
Funny video
Food Blogger
Daily Blog
Educational Channel
You can create many more channels. Some rules must be followed while creating the channel. Than get quick monetization and start earning.
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Earn money from gest post
Name Selection
The name of the channel should be very interesting. Then people will click on the video and subscribe after seeing the beautiful name. So select the name before creating the channel.
Write in the description what type of channel you will create. What will the audience benefit from watching your video? When to upload the video. Think you will create a travel channel. Write in the description. What kind of place will you see. Viewers will be interested in watching your video after seeing your description. Decide first what to work on and write a nice description about it. Give some keywords for description. Set links to your social media accounts. Set the website link. Links will help promote the channel.
Setup Logo

Create attractive logos to catch the eye of the audience. Create logo with Canva or Photoshop. Or take help of graphics designer. The more viewers will watch your video. And the channel will grow. So of course setup this attractive logo.
Setup Banner
The logo as well as the banner should be very beautiful and attractive. When people enter YouTube, they see the first banner. So making is very important. If the banner can not be created. Search on YouTube by typing logo banner. Many videos will come from the beginning to the end of making the logo banner. If you want to make banners with Canva. I am giving the link below and can do it from here.
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Upload video
Please upload some such videos. Which people search on YouTube everyday. Please research the age keyword for that. And create videos according to keywords. Keywords are the most important for the video to go viral. The more volume the keyword has, the more visitors you will get. And soon the video will go viral. And if viral, the subscription and watch time will be more.
If you have no idea about the video. Then you can work on travels. Go to different places and upload beautiful videos. Moreover, you can do a daily blog and upload videos of what you do every day. There are many bloggers who just upload videos of there daily work. So upload interesting videos and make them viral.
What is the target for monetization?
Some conditions must be met to get monetization on YouTube. Eg: 1000 subscribers 4000 hours of time in 1 year. There are some other policy tools. No copy video can be uploaded and anti-social videos tolls is not use. No copy video can be uploaded. Killing or bleeding cannot shown. By following all these, you will get monetization very quickly when you upload the video.
SEO Earn money from YouTube
To make the video viral, you need to do SEO. Because it is not possible to make a video viral in any way if it is not in YouTube search. To do SEO, you must first do keyword research. And use one keyword in video headlines, descriptions, tags, everywhere. Create a unique thumbnail. Use thumbnail keywords. Put some links in the video description. Check everything setup nicely. Upload the video now. Upload at least one video per day. And upload the video at a certain time. If all rules are followed the video can be uploaded. Then 100% video will have the tendency to go viral.
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