Make money from Google AdSense Learn about How to create account. What are the rules for getting AdSense? Learn everything here. Learn everything from account creation to application to approval right now.
Make Money From Google AdSense
What Is Google AdSense?
Google AdSense is an organization. Where taking advertising orders from companies. And various websites shown. And pay to show ads. Google deducts a commission for this. AdSense is approve very easily if you follow some rules. And it is possible to earn a lot of money in a month.
How to Get AdSense?
Google basically gives AdSense through website. If you post something in accordance with the website rules. And if you apply, AdSense approval is very easy. For make money from Google AdSense need some necessity.
For example:
- Must write an article of 500 words.
- At least 25 article must be posted.
- must be .com/.net domain.
- Articles and pictures must be original.
- No copies may be made.
- One name cannot have 2 accounts.
- Articles must also be SEO.
- There must be certain pages.
- Simple design is better.
- Website speed must be there.
If you apply by completing them, the approval will done. Articles can you written in any language but English is better.
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- How to earn from YouTube
Account Create For Make money from Google AdSense
To create account. Search any browser by typing in Google AdSense. There will be many links here. Click the There will be many links here. Create Account link. This can only done by email. can recreate with all information. Create an account in any way. Use original name and address. Please prepare the website first. And create account latter. Use original website content. Please try to provide English content. When everything will be complete. Please open an account.
When you open the account, you will asked to submit the website. Please provide the website link. Now will give a code to submit. Place it in the header of the website. If the code cannot be placed. You can view the video from your account. Or you can take a look from You Tube. Enter the code and submit. Your work is done. Google will take 15 days to check something. If everything is fine. Absolutely will be approve. If there is a little problem then it will informed by message. Fix that problem and submit now to get approval.
What To Do After Getting Approval
The next task is to setup the ad. Two ways you can set Ads. Auto set and set nots at will. Google’s Auto ads will be shown if you set this much. In any way you can set it. After setting the ad there are some rules to follow.
Once the ads start showing, you can’t click on the ads from your own device. Then the approval will be cancelled. So refrain form clicking your ad with your device. When the income will start you set your own bank account. And set after how many days you want to take payment. When the payment is deposit, Google will transfer it to your account.
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